I know I have run seriously behind on keeping up with the blog. Well, since Alan's B-day we have been really busy.
Ashley started 3rd grade and is loving her teacher. Her first 6 weeks was an adjustment, but she was back to straight A's on her second report card. She has learned more so far this year than she has in the last 2 years. She also decided that she wanted to earn the money to get a Wii. She worked hard and sold some Halloween insurance policies and got one! She is loving it and we are really proud that she earned the money. Soon, our girl scout troop will be selling cookies, so look for that in January.
Alan started school on October 23rd. He is getting to be such a big boy. He has started speaking in longer sentences and is really thriving.
Rowan had her second birthday and is fully embracing the terrible twos. We usually have one good screaming fit a day. She is by far the most headstrong of our bunch. I will get pictures posted soon.