Ashley sang with the schools show choir at Christmas in the Park. After they were done performing, we got in line to see Santa. It was touch and go on whether or not Rowan was going to be able to muster the courage to talk to him. We kept telling her that if she wants a Dora bike then she has to tell Santa that she wants it. Alan was a bit tentative, but handled the fear well. There was no getting a smile out of him though!
After their Christmas requests were given to Santa and we were heading to the car, Rowan looked up and said " Hey, where's my Dora bike?" I guess she thought that if she asked she would immediately receive the bike. Waiting is not her strong suit. So, the next day she made a Christmas countdown chain with Nana. Every night she tears off a link and it gets one night closer to Christmas. I am just waiting for the day when she rips all the links off and announces that it is present time.
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