Monday, January 31, 2011

100th Day of School

This morning did not get off to a good start. Alan's bird crib soother finally bit the dust after 5 1/2 years of hard work. He woke up crying because his birds wouldn't come on and I just knew he was going to be upset all day. I waited for the bad report as I pulled up to get him and found out the he had a WONDERFUL day. He looked absolutely adorable in his 100 hat that he made and Fruit loop necklace. The class had decorated tshirts and made a bag of trail mix. Alan was so excited to tell Rowan all about his day. Honestly, it's the happiest I have seen him at school pickup in ages. So YAY for a good day!

Check out his outfit!

and the cute grin

Ashley has been really working hard at selling Girl Scout cookies. She is trying to sell over 1000 boxes, so she has been going door to door almost daily. I was contacted by Girl Scouts of Central Texas eNews last week and they want to do a story about her! She is so excited and so am I frankly. I will keep you posted when that comes out.

Miss Rowan is just trucking along. We will go to Temple on Thursday to check on her eyes and see if she is ready for bifocals. What a cutie!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

David's Birthday Fun Times!

Last Saturday was David's birthday. We celebrated by making him green eggs and ham to eat in bed then having some of his oldest friends come to visit with their families for the day.

Nothing like waking up to a plate of your favorites!

The kids had a picnic breakfast at the foot of the bed. Its amazing how they can manage to destroy a tablecloth when its on the table, but don't drop a thing on it when it is used as a blanket.

His favorite gift was the ShopVac. The next day he started working on new projects like fixing the entry way tiles.NOthing like a gidt that gives back to me!!

We finished off the birthday celebration with some awesome cupcakes from Allycakes bakery! YUM!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Green Eggs and Ham

The other night Alan decided that he needed to make green eggs and ham. He had a great time cooking with his daddy and really enjoyed them. It was very cute. Rowan wanted to make some too, but then she refused to eat them. I guess she needs to hear the story a few more times before she catches on!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Last day of Winter Break

Today is the last day of Winter Break and I have to say that I am not as excited as I thought I would be. By now I am usually ready to pull out my hair and scream, but the break has gone reasonably well. I am not sure if it is because we haven't really had any family here over the break or because we have just been relaxing, but I am not in a big hurry to get up early and send them off in the morning.

Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks.