Sunday, June 28, 2009

Father's Day and Firestations

David got to have Father's Day two days early because Ashley and I were leaving for a Girl Scout sleepover at Sea World. He made out like a bandit with an egg fry pan and spatula, Misto, sink mat and a back massaging chair pad. Yes, I know it seems werid to give him so many kitchen related items, but is just the kind of stuff he likes. Plus, I get to use them too so its a bonus for everyone.

David had been hinting about the massaging chair pad for months and the kids (well Ashley) were really excited about giving him this gift. David pulled it out of the box and got it all set up on the couch. The kids took turns enjoying the Shiatsu action before bedtime. Once they they were in bed, he enjoyed the massagin action in peace. Unfortunately, hours of relaxation comes at a price. At around 5am, David woke me up to tell me that he wanted me to take the pad back. It had beaten him up!!! His back was sore for days from the "relaxing" Shiatsu action. All I can say is that it was a better gift than a tie.

The kids' friend Matthew had his 3rd birthday party at the local firestation followed by waterslide fun at his house.

Rowan wasn't sure what to think about the firefighters jacket. She and Ashley loved exploring the trucks and the ambulance. Alan convinced the firefighters to show him the motor in the fire engine. He was very excited to see the inside of that big truck engine. I could see the gears in his mind working to figure out how to take that thing apart.

They had a great time playing on the waterslide at Matthew's house after the firestation. They loved the cake. As we were leaving Alan and Rowan found the cat door into the office. they couldn't figure out what it was for, but had fun trying to get through.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

10 more to go!

This last week was a killer! We had Girl Scout Day Camp, Vacation Bible school, Pixie camp and Orientation. Throw in birthday parties and work picnics and you have the perfect recipe for an insane week.

Ashley loved going to Camp Howdy for Girl Scout Day Camp. This years theme was "All the World's a Stage". They had an opera singer come, puppets, a presentation from an animation lab and dancers. All of this plus crafts, campfire cooking, wilderness and 100 degree days. I volunteered out at the camp on Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesday I was with a group of girls that were going into the 3rd grade. I have never been with such a group of whiners!! Seriously, by the end of the day I ended up telling a little girl that she needed to just suck it up and quit crying. Man I am glad that my kids aren't wimps. I understand being hot and miserable, but my the time you are eight years old you should be able to carry a garbage bag without crying. Just my opinion though! On Thursday I worked in the craft shack. Talk about a cushy job! I think I will be volunteering for that one for the entire time next year. There were fans and they bring you lunch. Of course, I did have a close encounter with a clothespin decorated to look like TicTock from Peter Pan that resulted in a red watering eye for a few days, but it was still better than dealing with the heat and whining little girls.

While I was volunteering, Alan and Rowan went to Pixie Camp. It was set up for the kids of volunteers. They had a wonderful time playing in the sprinklers and making crafts. they keep asking when they will get to go back. The other days when I wasn't at camp, we stayed busy with picnic lunches at the park, open house for Alan's summer school and getting ready for the weekend. Alan and Rowan love having lunch at the park and playing with friends.

We ended our week with David's yearly departmental picnic at Veteran's park on friday evening. There was a castle bouncer, a clown and a big inflatable slide along with the playground for the little kids. All three of the kids had a great time. Ashley got her face painted, but Rowan was terrifed of the clown and wouldn't go near her.

On Saturday we had two birthday parties and dinner at our friends Wendy and Arthur's house. Sunday we went to Houston to celebrate Al and Savana's birthdays. It was a really busy weekend, but everyone had a good time. 2 weeks down, 10 more to go!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer fun - Week One

The first week of summer vacation was a busy
one. On Saturday we had a graduation party, birthday party and a girl Scout backyard campout. That resulted in Sunday tummyaches and tiredness. Monday morning we had big plans for our first day of summer vacation, but they were delayed by a stomach bug that hit Rowan. By Wednesday, everyone was back to normal and ready to go though. We went to the Bryan library to see the Big Rigs. The kids got to go inside the different trucks, honk horns and eat popsicles. We have gone every year, but this time they were all really into it.

Ashley is participating in several reading clubs this summer, so we got a good start on those. They have been swimming in the pool in the backyard as much as they can and we have had a few park picnics.

One week down- eleven more to go!

Cookies and the End of the School Year

The last week of school was short, but busy around here. This is the last week for both Ashley and Alan at their schools. In August they will both be starting at a brand new elementary school close to the house. I am excited that they will be at the same school and we will no longer have the long trek to take Alan to College Hills, but it was sad to say goodbye to their teachers. Ashley is going to miss Forest Ridge, but I am sure next year will be exciting for her.

During the last week we needed to bake
something for Ashley's 6-week project. She studied Saudi Arabia, so we decided to make some Al Mamool cookies with a mold and recipe that her Nana provided. First you had to fill each dough ball with some date puree, then place the dough ball in the mold.It was time consuming to mold each individual cookie, but the kids liked them and Alan had a good time helping us knock the cookies out of the mold.

The finished products! They were both very proud.

The last day of school was extremely busy. Ashley had a pig out party for her class and then Alan was destroying his classroom. His school is being torn down, so they were letting the kids paint and do some demo of their own. It was a mess and he ruined his clothes, but I am sure he had a great time.

Memorial Day Weekend Fun

Here in the Poprik house we decided to celebrate Memorial Day with the American tradition of shopping! What better way to honor those that have lost their lives serving our country than to take advantage of sales and visit the nearby outlet malls. I have never fully understood the retail industries decision to have major sales events to commemerate these holidays, but that doesn't mean that I am above taking advantage every now and then. Alan had been home from school all week with a high fever and tonsillitis, so we were all ready to get out and have some fun.

We decided to go to the Houston outlet mall and then to Katy Mills Mall. After scoring some great deals on some new Calphalon One cookware, we decided to take the kids to The Rainforest Cafe. This is definitely a favorite of Ashley and Alan. Rowan did not care for it AT ALL. She was terrifed of the animatronic elephant and ended up sitting with her face buried in my chest until she fell asleep.

The Rainforest Cafe is definitely all about the atmosphere. The food is overpriced and not very good, but Alan was loving his $7 mac and cheese. I bet it takes alot of money to keep that place running.

After we finished lunch we decided the walk around the gift shop. Ashley and Alan decided that it was the perfect time to clean Tracy the Talking Tree's nose out. I guess she sounded a bit congested.

After venturing through the rainforest, we walked around the mall while Rowan was still asleep and Ashley and Alan rode on the carousel. Alan and David rode on one of the clam shell shaped benched while Ashley and a couple other girls rode in the spinning cup. I don't know how she managed to spin so much right after eating without throwing up, but she did and had a great time.

Once the excitement was over, sweet Rowan woke up. She has no idea what she missed, but she probably would have hated every minute of it. Maybe next time!