Today I was looking through the older posts and I noticed my first post, Ear Wax and Bluebonnets was written just over a year ago. Oddly enough, these are still prevalent themes in our lives. Alan had tubes put in his ears about two weeks ago. He had several double ear infections over the last six months and his pediatrician noticed that everytime she had seen him, he had fluid behind his eardrum. The ear, nose, throat doctor suggested we have PE tubes put in the next week. It was amazing the immediate difference it made. That afternoon Alan kept commenting on how loud things were and asking "What's that noise?". I guess it was really effecting his hearing. He is so much happier and more interactive now. I wish we had done this last year!!!
As far as the bluebonnets pictures go, we tried. David found the perfect spot and got the camera all set up. We brought the kids up the hill to the spot he found and they went wild. The little ones were much more interested in picking the bluebonnets and running through them than sitting still and getting their picture taken. Ashley was the perfect model as always, but her brother and sister were less cooperative. So, no family picture in the flowers this year. Maybe next year, (right)!

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