Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

Today was the ideal Mother's Day. I got to sleep late, was taken out for breakfast, opened presents, played, went out for dinner and just hung out with the family. You can't ask for much better. Ashley decided to make me a cake in her Easy Bake Oven. It was very sweet and she was so excited to use her new Easy-Bake Decorating set. She had everything all planned out and worked really hard. Unfortunately, things don't always work out according to plan, or in this case package pictures.

This was what she was expecting.

And here was reality.

As you can see, they did not live up to the hype. Fortunately, there are 5 of us so the portions were pretty small. We have many more adventures planned for the Easy-Bake oven this summer. She found a recipe that makes 9 sandwich cookies baked one side at a time. That should use up a good day!

I mentioned gifts earlier, so I am sure you are on the edge of your seat wondering what I got. From my sweet Ashley I got the hanging basket of purple and red flowers that she knew I wanted and a sweet little pot of bead bluebonnets that she made at Girl Scouts.

Rowan gave me a new set of SILPAT mats so I can make her some yummy cookies without burnt bottoms.
Alan's gift was a set of Pyrex storage containers so I can quit poisoning us by heating things up in my Rubbermaid hard plastic containers. He also made a flower pot for me with his tiny fingerprints making flowers and insects on it. It is incredibly cute and is housing a new parsley plant that I hope to keep alive for at least a couple of weeks. I also want to point out the sweet little corkscrew curl on his forehead. It is getting really long and needs to be cut, but as part of my Mother's Day bargain it won't be cut until tomorrow. I love that curl!
David's gift was a wonderful Rosemary plant and some Melamine dishes for us to use when we eat on the porch. Hopefully, it will not get unbearably hot here for a couple more weeks so we can use them a few times. All, and all it was a great relaxing day and I hope to have many more day's like it.

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