Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Break 2009

The kids had a great break and I surprised myself by enjoying having them home. I was actually sad when they left to go back to school today. We started off the break with some playdates with friends, rainy weather and last minute shopping. David was off starting on the 23rd and had made himself a long to do list, but we distracted him quite a bit and he only got part of it done.

We spent Christmas Eve hanging around the house, grilling steaks in the freezing cold and prepping for Santa's arrival. We opted not to have a fireplace when we built our house and this is really the only time of year that I question that decision. There is a large shelf hanging over a bookcase in our living room that we hang our stockings from every year. As we were getting Santa's cookies ready, Alan asked where our fireplace was going to be. We had watched The Santa Clause several times and he knew that Santa would magically create a fireplace to enter our house. When I told him that it would be where our bookcase is, he got very upset and started taking the baskets of toys off the shelves. He told us that they had to be moved so that they wouldn't burn up when Santa made it a fire! So cute!
So we cleared the bookcase and left the openings for Santa to use for our filled stockings.

Christmas morning, the kids were very excited to check out their Santa loot. Ashley got Rabbids Go Home- a Wii game she has been wanting. Alan and Rowan got bikes and we are still working on getting them to peddle. After breakfast we went upstairs and opened presents. The kids made out like bandits as usual and were really excited. Later Christmas Day we went to Spring to have Christmas with David's family. They had a great time playing with cousins and testing out their new toys.

The next week we just hung around and played. David worked on puppy proofing our yard. Kodi has gotten to be quite the little digger. David lined our entire fence with chicken wire so Kodi can't dig his way out. So far it seems to be working! Now if we could only teach him to wipe his feet before he comes inside!

We spent New Years Eve having a potluck at a friends house. They had sparklers and some fireworks that the kids really loved. The next day David found a fireworks stand and got some more sparklers for the kids to try out at home. Kodi was really freaked out by the smell. All in all it was a great break!

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