Well this was a truly stressful week. Monday started off with school then an ENT appointment for Ashley, quick dinner and then a Girl Scout meeting. We placed our pre-order for cookies and just got ready for the semester of scouts in general. Tuesday was school, in-home trainer visit for Alan and getting ready for David's birthday. Wednesday night a good friend and her 2 boys came over for dinner. The kids had a great time and Alan was sad to see her oldest little boy go. We ended up convincing him that it would be ok because they were going to go to get their haircuts together on Saturday. That's right, I said HAIRCUT... my boy was going to get his first haircut. Thursday we had more friends over at lunch and finished preparing for David's birthday the next day.
Unfortunately, Thursday evening took an unexpectedly bad turn for us. Kodi had been outside for about 20 minutes when David went to go bring him in. He found Kodi cowering under one of the patio chairs and unwilling to come out. When David reached under to pull him out, Kodi started yelping and yowling like crazy so David had to carry him inside. He laid Kodi down on the floor and we realized that he was holding his back left leg up close to his body and would yowl in pain if we tried to straighten it. After getting the kids to bed, David decided to take Kodi in for an emergency vet visit. Turns out, our sweet dog has somehow managed to be just as much of a klutz as the rest of this family. Kodi has a broken leg. The vet says it looks like it is from a low fall like from a chair, so we are guessing he was trying to get on our patio table and took a tumble.
Friday morning David got to take him in first thing to get sedated and have a splint put on. It was not the best start to his birthday. Kodi has to stay confined to his crate for 3-4 weeks. This should be fun!

Friday night we celebrated David's birthday with some friends at a local hibachi restaurant. The food was great, the company was wonderful, the smell....awful. I am not sure what was going on, but each tell they would clean a hibachi table, this horrible stench of sewage or old fish would just come wafting out of the drains. It was HORRIBLE. Bad enough that Alan requested repeatedly to go to the bathroom for fresh air. He would act like he was sick and then be fine in the bathroom. Of course me being the mean mom that I am, I made him stay at the table while we sang to David and ate cake. This was more then his little tummy could handle. Thankfully, we were outside. I guess the saying " The party ain't over 'till somebody pukes" still applies at 41st birthdays when youngsters with sensitive gag reflexes are involved. So Happy Birthday to my sweet husband! The day starting with a yowl and ended with a puke. At least the cake was good.
Saturday morning, after feeding a ravenous Alan, the kids and I set off to Tejas Cuts for haircuts. They have a cute little racecar for the kids to sit in and movies playing for them to watch while getting their cuts. Alan's hair was really getting unruly and he was starting to actually have Gene Wilder hair so it was time. We convinced him that it would be fun to go and get his haircut with his buddy Matthew. Big thanks to my wonderful Jennifer for coming on this crazy haircut adventure with us and pimping out her son as a haircut model. Alan watched Matthew brave the scissors treatment before he climbed into the car himself. He did a great job! There were some near tears when she was cutting around his ears, but he held it together once he was convinced that she wouldn't cut his ears off. He had told me that she couldn't cut his ears because he needs them to hear.
I actually held up pretty well myself. I was afraid that his beautiful curls would be gone, but he still has them. The large curly q in the front is gone, but all in all he looks great.

Handsome boy after

Rowan decided that it looked like so much fun that she got her first haircut as well. Her hair has gotten so long and curly that it really didn't need much more than a trim. The hairdresser asked if she would like bangs, but those are no good for those of us with curly hair, so the cut isn't very dramatic. Rowan did a good job with sitting still, other than constantly trying to talk to me. Sweet girl ended up with with a cute little cut that looks about the same as it started, but she was brave and she enjoyed it. It was a big day for my babies!


The entire crew

After the big haircuts we went to a first birthday party. The kids had a great time and loaded up on cupcakes. You can tell Alan had more than his fill.

When that party was over, we went back home for another party for David. His parents and brother's family came in for the day. Everyone enjoyed catching up and the kids loved playing with their cousins. We tried a new cake out this year. It was Chocolate Tuxedo Cake and wonderful! Props to HEB for making me look good!!

1 comment:
WOW... I would say you had a rough few days there. I am glad that Kodi is feeling better and not in pain. Poor little guy. What hibachi place did you guys go to? Sounds like they need to do some major cleaning! The hair cuts are too cute. We used to go to Tejas cuts too but then I discovered that the place right here on RP has a car car too with movies. It is in the Kroger shopping center. Same price and much closer :)
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