Thursday, April 10, 2008

Presentation Day

Ashley had her class presentations on South America today. They do these every six weeks where the pick a subject and do a project. This time she choose the red-eyed tree frog. I am not sure that she learned much about them, but she made a really cute mural for the mall. All the kids get really excited because the parents come to school and look at their work. Ashley made the bottom part of tree behind her in the picture below.

Alan and Rowan usually like to go up to the school and see all the kids, but today it was a bit overwhelming for Rowan. She didn't like all the kids trying to touch her, so we didn't stay long. Rowan is getting to be such a big girl. She wants to do everything that Alan and Ashley can do. Last night, Alan got in his booster chair for dinner and I guess that she decided that she wanted to move up into his old high chair instead of be in her own. I was fixing her plate and when I turned around she had moved his highchair over to the table and climbed up in it. Alan thought it was hysterical. He was saying "Momma look baby Rowan". They both looked really cute sitting next to each other at the table.

On a side note, their is family here that could use some help. Their 14 month old daughter has a serious brain injury and in the hospital in Temple. They have a carepage set up for their daughter at You have to set up a free account, but you can see her page under AlexisLinn. All they are really needing is some good thoughts. They check their CarePage several times a day and apperently all the public support for their daughter is really helping them with to deal with what has happened and face the struggle that they will have in the future. If everyone could just post something positive for them, I know that it would help raise their spirits. Thanks!

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