Sunday, December 20, 2009

Celebrations begin - Scooter Time!

My parents came in for an early Christmas celebrations. The kids each received a scooter and helmet from Nana and Papa. It was hilarious to watch them get all suited up to go out and play. We have had a string of rainy days, so they were excited just to get outside.

Rowan looked like a little mushroom with the big hardshell helmet on. It was really cute!

Kodi enjoyed getting out for a bit as well.

Ashley was a pro! She had been on scooters at friend's houses before, so she knew what she was doing.

Alan figured it out in a matter of minutes. He was so excited when he saw the box to his McQueen scooter. The helmet was not as exciting though. Once he finally let us put it on him he had a great time.

Rowan took longer to get used to the scooter. She would just straddle the scooter and run with it. It was really funny. We kept explaining to her how to ride and Ashley would show her. She would try for a minute and then explain to us why it was impossible. She is so little that she could not get her foot around the back wheels. She has the hang of it now, but it made for a funny afternoon.

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