Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Snow Day!!

The unbelievable happened! It snowed in Central Texas!

Ok its not really unbelievable since it has happened every year for the past few years, but it is still extremely exciting and a rare treat for the kids. Alan and Ashley had the day off from school and David was out of work. then entire town shut down in anticipation of the massive snow fall we were expecting. People flooded the stores to stock up on supplies for the coming blizzard.

A friend of mine posted this picture that I think basically sums up the atmosphere of Central Texas on the 4th.

The kids went to bed on the third expecting to get up and make snowmen and snow angels. The excitement was in the air. At 6:30 in the morning they woke up to this.

Yeah it wasn't overwhelming, but they had a good time making snow angels in the driveway and scraping up what they could get into teeny tiny snowmen. I even got to use the matchstick carrots as noses and jellybean eyes. They had fun and are eagerly anticipating another snow day.




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