Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hearing Aides and Hysterectomies

That is how we finished up our August, with hearing aides and hysterectomies. We have known for a couple of years that something was wrong with Ashley's hearing. Turns out the she only has 45% hearing in her right ear. She received her hearing aid in mid August and is doing really well with it. Within minutes were were able to tell the difference. You never realize that you are repeating yourself a million times until you aren't having to do it anymore. The hearing aid is tiny and behind her ear, so it is barely visible. Heads up! Its time to buy stock in energizer batteries, because that thing sure eats them!

I ended up having a hysterectomy at the end of August, so we are officially out of the baby business. Its not really a big deal and the recovery has gone really well. Thankfully, it has ended a 20 year struggle with an organ that just didn't seem to want to work right. At least I got 3 beautiful kids first!

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